Monday, March 16, 2009

post #80: in which i face the upcoming ligonier conference

wow, it's almost here.
the day after tomorrow, we will drive to orlando at 5:00 am. whoopee.
(i hope that wasn't an invitation for burglars. BURGLARS, I HAVE DOGS! and two people will still be home.)
i am *really* not looking forward to the long car drive. nine hours, stuck in a car, with nothing to do but read. i love reading, but i can't read for nine hours straight!
but i am looking forward to the ligonier conference. tim challies will be there, and alistair begg. (i love mr. begg's accent. =D) i'm really praying that God will bless the conference, and the people who are speaking.
i'm also looking forward to meeting other kids who are like-minded. at the '07 desiring God conference i met a guy named jordan (who was a year older than me) over pictochat on our nintendo DSes. =p
expect no post from me for the next 6 or 7 days. not that i post very often anyway. XD
i'll write about the conference when i get back from orlando.

here are some random pictures that are completely unrelated to this post, for your viewing pleasure. they're of my neighbor's flowers, like from last year.

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