Thursday, February 12, 2009

new layout =D

hi cheezpeeps. =p i'm sorry for not blogging in like a gazillion years... if my blog isn't set to my homepage i'll never remember to update it.
and i haven't been feeling well lately.
she turned me into a newt!
i got better.
but yeah, i got a new layout for ze blog. lovely, yes? =3
yes, well, i have nothing to say, so i shall post a bunch of random pictures. *groans from reader(s)*

star gazing affectionately at my mother.

this one picture pretty much describes star's entire existence.

this is chang, my cousin/friend madie's pug. is this not the strangest-looking dog ever? i mean he's cute, but wow. XD and yes, that's my finger on the left side. =p

"DO YOU HAVE ANY CHEESE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"...but i love you..."


Anonymous said...

Those are really good pictures

Anonymous said...

thank you. =)